Saturday, February 28, 2009

Chasing jigsaws.

Today was my first, full day off.  It feels like it's been more than forever.  I really should have started on some work that's coming up this next week.  Instead, I woke up, did my usual Internets thing, watched 3/4 of the new Futurama movie, and then fell asleep during the last fourth of the movie..  for a couple of hours.  Amazing.  I never know when I'm tired anymore, until it just actually hits me and I have no time to respond.  I woke up, watched the rest of the movie, cleaned up a bit, and continued to roam the Internets.

I found this mash-up of Adele's Chasing Pavements, and Radiohead's Jigsaw Falling Into Place.  I've been into this new Adele song lately, and I just simply love Radiohead.  If anything, finding this mix was a nice surprise for today.

Also, my brother tells me I'm 098.

Do I regret this unproductive day?  Hardly.


  1. SUUUCH a good mix!!! thank you for sharing!

  2. the ely kim thing is hilarious! :D!

  3. naw man. my luck's just picking up. haha. things were going TERRIBLE for a while. this is a pretty good mix. probably already know, but mick boogie did this remix album called 1988 with adele's stuff. it's pretty good too
