Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spop zero.

Open hearts and open minds. There are so many exciting and new experiences you will be encountering this upcoming spring quarter and summer. The incredible journey we are about to embark on together will be amazing. Some might even say mind-blowing. However, I really want to express not coming into this program with great expectations. Instead, I want you all to come into this program eager, as many of you already are. Eager to learn, to accept, to understand and feel what we are all here for, together. Please, take your first few steps into this program with an open mind and open heart. It is true that the experience you have here is really how you make it. You have the potential to make this one of the greatest experiences here at UC Irvine for yourself, the people you will be working with, but most importantly, the incoming students.

There is no doubt there will be challenges. However, these challenges are what I look forward to. I implore you to embrace the challenges and obstacles we may be presented with. It is from these challenges that we truly learn and grow. Although the road may be rough, drive yourself to overcome. Never forget our purpose of being here for the incoming students. You all were chosen as our staff for a reason. We believe in you. We love you.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Silver photo charm.

It's amazing what I find while trying to look for one green colored pencil.

"Our Dreams Together, 2005"

I don't know if I've looked that happy since then.

I still have not found that colored pencil..

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Congratulatory page for
UCI Kababayan's 35th Anniversary Gala.

Lost UCI MLK, Jr. Symposium Keynote Poster
Lani Gunier.