Saturday, February 20, 2010

Untitled 3.

What I did to deserve this/ I don't know/ To wake up to something so beautiful/ There's not much I can say that you don't know/ And words will try to show my heart/ But that's impossible

It's scary too/ 'Cause I know nothing's for certain/ And fate please don't pull this curtain/ I guess I've been April's fool for so long

Voice inside says "I don't deserve you"/ But I would never want to be/ One to unnerve you

I guess I'm trying to keep that stuff inside/ When I see your arms open wide/ I guess I'm saying dear never mind/ And love you never fail me anytime

I guess I had a fear of hope/ And I don't know a thing of miracles/ Undefined and vague and cold/ 'Til you came long and took me/ Places I couldn't reach on my own

My heart and mind like/ Treble, bass in all keys/ Scattered notes/ You make symphonies/ I guess I'm saying you make sense of me/ I guess I'm saying "girl, where have you been?"

Goh Nakamura's Y.T.


  1. <3 You are like a Sharpei, Dashhound, French Bulldog, Bichon Frise, and Pug puppy all rolled into a smart man.
